I just found this very interesting speech about the current education system.
It just made me think about how our society would look like if the main education would be in social science than in natural science.
Or let’s pretend we never chose the natural science as the main focus in education.
Surely I would not write these lines on a PC but would it be a bad society? Bad in terms of: not capable to life? Would there be war? “Homo homini lupus” never a written sentence?
I have to ask myself: how started this interest in mathematic, physic i.e.? Was it because of our old need to build better tools for living?
Standard answer: We try to discover the universe SO we can find the answer on that.
So? Do we really have to do that? Is it just the way we try to understand ourselves BECAUSE of the way we educated each other?
I don’t even want to think about how many talents we already wasted because of the current way of teaching…