It hooked me right away how beautiful the buildings, cars -the whole setting- was created and remembered me on Blade Runner. In a very positive way i have to add. For me it was Blade Runner in daytime;)
Very special was the mix between CGI and Human Characters -I have to admit sometimes i was confused about the question who is real and who comes out a rendering farm.
The story is quite unique because it mixes the old agypt gods with a setting of a future time like it was shown in "the fifth element". Its a short but very creative story just get the movie and watch it -u will understand;)
Blade Runner

As i already pointed out: after i watched Immortal I had to see Blade Runner again and as a matter of fact i wasn't able to see the Final Cut version yet. So i watched it and I'm not exactly sure where the difference between the Directors Cut and the normal Cut is but i got reminded that Blade Runner is a movie which is one of the movies you just can't mention if u try to make a "my-favourite-movies-list".
Blade Runner is a real masterpiece and it would be a shame if you just list it with Kill Bill or The godfather.
The music, the pictures, the theme, the atmosphere, i.e. it's all is so perfectly calibrated and presented... everyone who has nothing against a "dark-theme" will love it.
-Note to myself: Damn... why do u always have to be so euphoric.-