Last night i saw the whole event and was surprised by the problems the USA has!
The health-insurance system was one big issue and from my view as a german citizen its like watching a debate about a topic which is so damn old that i have to search it in history books.
But one of the biggest country's in the world is still talking about it?!
This was one topic where it became clear that the idea with a direct confrontation from people all over the united states via you tube videos is a very good one! -> Sick people who cant afford it to cure their illness had the opportunity to directly confront the politician with their problems.
The politician is forced to handle such direct questions in another way than a normal answer to a question from a host.
That would be a good idea for the next German debates too!
The last question or lets say: request shows that this idea takes debates into a new Human level -that were at last my feelings about it.
All Questions and answers are available on YouTube: >click<
Here is one question which i have to show you.
Just a typical gun addicted moron -priceless question:
Another thing that got my attraction was that it seems there are more politicians who are against a strong lobby influence than ever beforeO_o
That is really something the USA needs to get rid off!
Oh and bytw: Why is the American media talking about a strong Hillary? In every sentence from her i was able to find a yes AND no?!
My points are going to Obama!
(just a view words from an out-sider)