
Get ready for the last Giga Green show

As i mentioned a few days before: tomorrow is the last time we can watch Giga Green.
The show is on air from 13.00 till 16.00!

Giga Changed its Satellite transponder! So its possible that you cant see Giga till you change the transponder or add the programm manually.
Here are the german details for retrieving Giga:

Transponderfrequenz: 12.460,50 MHz (TP 103)
Polarisation: Horizontal
Symbolrate: 27.500 kSymb/s
FEC: 3/4
Senderkennung: GIGA
ServiceID: 776
PCR-PID: 1007
Video-PID: 1007
Audio-PID: 1008
Teletext-PID: 0 (kein Teletext)
Orbitalposition: Astra 19,2° Ost (ASTRA 1H)

Stupid thing is: I have to work till 17.00 o clock!:(
But anyway: for the last show i have to be in the community and on the stream!
So hopefully they fixed the stream and we dont get thousands of timeouts!

Enjoy the last show!


Steve Balmer and his next follow

I just read an article about Steve Ballmer and found an interesting picture of him:

The next thing i had to watch was a christmas > movie < about a child which gets a N64. After i watched it, i remembered Steven Ballmers Windows 98 Presentation (You remember? "DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS...") and thought that this young man should be hired for M$.
In a few years he could sell Windows 2020 in the way he unpacked his present...


Say Yes to granny gaming

GIGA = Aus die Maus?

I just read on another blogger.com user about my old favourite tv show: GIGA.
In my opinion he did a great summary so i think i have to link it:

I still remember the first 2 years of giga. It was a pleasure to see it every day! The guys from Help and games were totaly funny and they always had this strange projects like their trys to get into a well-known tv show here in germany (GZSZ).
Every day i watched the whole 5 hours or at last the TV had to run. I was in the giga chat rooms and listened to the show.
Hehe, that reminds me why my dad got his first high internet-bill:)
We just had a slow dial up connection back that days and i loved to be hours in the giga chat...

I have many beautifull memorys about that show! The last years i just switched in or visited the site in memory of the good old days...
But it seems like that i dont have the possibility again after the 03.31.06.
Because... Thats the last Time Giga Green is on air! So all good old giga friends: secure the last friday in this month and watch the show!


It's three dimensional, tiny bubbles like "voxels" -Penny Arcade